An international workshop was held at NPL, 16-18 October 2017.  The objective of the ESA sponsored workshop was to bring together the worlds’ expertise in Earth surface (Land, Water, Ice) temperature measurements under the auspices of Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) to review the current state of the art in measurement accuracy for satellite validation. The workshop considered the outputs and results from the recent CEOS comparison of fiducial reference measurements/instruments and concluded with looking to develop an internationally coordinated strategy to ensure that the global reference measurement infrastructure is adequate to meet the future needs and aspirations of all users.

Below you will find the agenda for the workshop and links to many of the presentations.

Agenda – October 2017

Programme: Day 1, Monday 16 October


Presented by
Introduction to the Workshop

CEOS WGCV and Context of FRM4STS

Craig Donlon (ESA) &

Nigel Fox (CEOS)

Session 1; Science requirements for LST, IST and SST applications: Climate, Meteorology and Oceanography Chaired by

Peter Minnett

(University of Miami)

Satellite-Based Sea Surface Temperature Climate Data Records Chris Merchant

(University of Reading)

Making long-term sea-surface temperature data sets for climate


John Kennedy

(Met Office – Hadley Centre)

Influence of Surface Temperature on Cryospheric Processes: Developing the Case for Long-Term, Accurate Records


Dorothy Hall


What role could a putative global surface reference network play?


Peter Thorne

(Maynooth University)



Session 2; Retrieving Surface Temperatures from Space Keynote Ocean, Keynote Land, Keynote Ice


Chaired by

Chris Merchant

(University of Reading)

Progress in Establishing a Satellite-derived Climate Data Record for Sea-Surface Temperature


Peter Minnett

(University of Miami)

Creating, calibrating, and validating a satellite-based sea ice surface temperature product Mark Tschudi

(CCAR, University of Colorado)

FIDUCEO Principles for Satellite retrieval


Jon Mittaz





Session 3; FRM4STS Overview Chaired by

Craig Donlon


Overview of FRM4STS Project including laboratory results


Nigel Fox


Discussion & presentation of key questions to be addressed


Interactive Presentations

Simultaneous measurement of land surface temperature and emissivity using ground multiband radiometer

César Coll, et al. (University of Valencia)


Needs for Fiducial Reference Temperature Measurements in the EUSTACE project

Nick A. Rayner, et al. (Met Office Hadley Centre)


The NPL Absolute Measurement of a Blackbody Emitted Radiance (AMBER) Facility

Theo Theocharous (NPL)


The NPL Infrared Spectral Responsivity Measurement Facility

Theo Theocharous (NPL)


FRM4SOC – project to establish and maintain SI traceability of Fiducial Reference Measurements (FRM) for satellite Ocean Colour Radiometry (OCR) with accompanying uncertainty budgets.

Andrew Banks (NPL)


Retrieving Land Surface Temperature from Remote Sensing Observations

Isabel Trigo (Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera)

Close of Day 1



Programme: Day 2, Tuesday 17 October


Session 4; Metrological framework: Traceability and uncertainty, sampling and scaling, representativeness


Chaired by

Nigel Fox


Metrology principles for Earth Observation: the NMI view Emma Woolliams


Protocols of the 2016 FRM4STS NPL comparisons


Theo Theocharous


Land Surface Temperature Field Inter-Comparison Experiment at Gobabeb, Namibia


Frank Göttsche

(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Water Surface Temperature intercomparisons at Wraysbury reservoir and in the North Atlantic Tim Nightingale

(STFC RAL Space)

Towards traceability when validating ice surface temperature observations from satellite observations


Jacob Høyer

(Danish Meteorological Institute)

Towards improved drifter SST: a collaboration between the satellite community and the Data Buoy Co-operation Panel


David Meldrum

(Scottish Marine Institute)

Discussion / endorsement of approaches


Session 5; Protocols for Post-launch validation of surface temperature measurements from Space


Chair to be confirmed
JAXA SST Products and Validation Activities – GCOM-W, GCOM-C and Himawari-8 Misako Kachi


Land surface temperature products validation for GOES-R and JPSS missions: status and challenge


Yuhan Rao

(University of Maryland)

Kalman Filter Retrieval of Skin Temperature From Seviri: Improved Forward Modelling And Inter-Comparison Case Studies Guido Masiello

(University of Basilicata)

An uncertainty budget for validating satellite derived sea surface temperature measurements


Gary Corlett

(University of Leicester)

ONERA methodology for the in-flight vicarious calibration of airborne and space borne thermal infrared instruments.


Laurent Poutier


Land Surface Temperature and Surface Spectral Emissivity from thermal infrared hyperspectral data: application to OWL and implications for satellite validation


Mary Langsdale

(King’s College London)

Validation of sea ice surface temperature products from the AVHRR and IASI instruments on Metop_A Gorm Dybkjær

(Danish Meteorological Institute)



Programme: Day 3, Wednesday 18 October


Session 6; Post-launch validation: Buoys Chaired by

David Meldrum

(Scottish Marine Institute)

Evaluation of Suomi NPP VIIRS Sea Surface Temperature Using Shipboard Measurements in the Northwest Pacific


Lei Guan

(Ocean University of China)

Towards Fiducial Reference Measurements from drifting buoys for Copernicus satellite validation


Anne O’Carroll


The quality of Sea Surface Temperature observations from drifting buoys and the role of the natural variability Christoforos Tsamalis

(Met Office – Hadley Centre)

Calibration and In-Flight Performance of the Sentinel-3 Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer


Dave Smith

(RAL Space)



Session 7; Establishing a sustainable framework of measurements to ensure fit for purpose data to meet the needs of society



Chair to be confirmed
Introductory presentation


Nigel Fox


Roadmap Development discussion


Workshop close


End of Workshop