Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Your Message Nigel Fox Nigel Fox is the head of Earth Observation and Climate at NPL, and an NPL Fellow. Recently, Nigel has expanded his Earth Observation interests to include associated climate change parameters, with a particular emphasis on satellite observations. This has led to further innovation in both pre-flight and post-launch calibration and validation techniques and has culminated in the design and leadership of a proposed satellite mission called TRUTHS. The novel mission concept provides fully SI traceable measurements from orbit at uncertainties a factor ten lower than any other, sufficient to make benchmark measurements suitable for the detection of decadal climate change. Find out more about Nigel’s research in Optical Radiation & Photonics. Email Nigel Fox Craig Donlon Craig Donlon is the Principal Scientist for Oceans and Ice in the Mission Science Division of Earth Observation Programmes Directorate at ESA. Craig’s main interests is in remote sensing of oceans and ice (particularly sea surface temperature), operational oceanographic service delivery, oceanographic application of satellite data, development of satellite era climate data records of sea surface temperature and sea ice, design, construction, software development, calibration and deployment of sea-going infrared radiometer systems, validation of satellite ocean data sets,. Craig is also the Coordinator for the Joint Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology and also chair of the Group for High Resolution sea surface temperature (GHRSST). Email Craig Donlon