Comparisons will be carried out ‘in the field’ and will take the form of separate activities. Please indicate your interest to participate in the form below.

    Contact Name (required)

    Organisation/Institute (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Postal Address

    Our activities are mainly related to IR Cal/Val for temperature of:

    Sea SurfaceOther WaterLandIce


    I would propose bringing the following instruments:



    Field of view

    Spectral Band(s)

    Black Body


    Exit Aperture

    Temperature Range

    Further Participation

    Phase 2A: shipborne comparisons (future plans)

    I would like to take part in a future ship borne comparison:

    I can offer the opportunity to host a comparison on board a ship

    Phase 2B: Land surface Temperature @ Gobabeb June 2017


    I obtain full funding to take part.

    My appropriate CEOS agency is:


    Do you have any thoughts or comments that the organisers should consider for example any specific additional experiments/activities or concerns about the dates.